Use the 12 Archetypes to Assess Your Firm and Size Up Your Competition

Brand marketers universally agree that there are twelve brand archetypes. Each of the twelve archetypes is depicted on the wheel below, along with a well-known brand that epitomizes it. Note that the archetypes are grouped into four categories: stability, fulfillment, enjoyment, and risk.

As you consider your law firm’s main competitors, try and assign each one to the archetype that, in your opinion, best represents them. Keep in mind that no one brand is “all” one archetype. But each brand inevitably leads with one over the others.

Look specifically at your aspirational competitors. Where do they fall on the wheel? If they are all grouped in one or two archetypes — say, challenger, for example — what does that tell you?

Next, think about the archetype that best represents your firm today. Does the archetype you’ve identified mesh with how you want your firm to be perceived? Or are you due for a change?



There are 12 universally accepted
archetypes, that represent different
grouping of characteristics, values
aspirations, and attitudes.

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