July 2020 — Decker Design

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Uncover Your Law Firm’s Unique Positioning with a Competitive Analysis

The success of your law firm’s marketing efforts all hinge on one thing: how well you showcase your unique positioning. Your positioning is what makes your firm different. That certain something that sets you apart. And when it comes to the legal space, your point of differentiation may be quite subtle. It’s a two-percent divergence that, when magnified, snaps everything…

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Will Your Law Firm’s Website Be Top-Notch Without a UX Agency?

Usability is a hot-button topic in the world of website design. For good reason: If your law firm’s website has a poor user experience (UX), you risk losing business before even getting a chance to make your case. The question is, how deeply do you need to invest in UX when it comes time to redesign your firm’s website? Do…

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