Posts from the ‘Differentiation’ Category

What’s Your Law Firm’s Brand Archetype?

Use the 12 Archetypes to Assess Your Firm and Size Up Your Competition Brand marketers universally agree that there are twelve brand archetypes. Each of the twelve archetypes is depicted on the wheel below, along with a well-known brand that epitomizes it. Note that the archetypes are grouped into four categories: stability, fulfillment, enjoyment, and risk. As you consider your…

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The 4 Stages of a Robust Design Discovery Process

The discovery phase of any design or branding project is all about research and information gathering. It’s a critical part of the process that goes far beyond the project brief. No two agencies handle the discovery process in the exact same way. However, you should strive to partner with a firm that takes a more robust approach. At Decker Design,…

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Your 5-Step Guide to Law Firm Positioning

If you want to have any hope of cutting through the clutter in a crowded legal services landscape, your prospects need to know immediately what you do, who you do it for and what makes you different from others offering similar services. That’s where positioning comes into play. And your law firm’s website is where your positioning must be crystal…

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Developing Stronger Positioning Sets Your Firm Up for Success

No one person can be all things for all people. Most of us accept this truism when it comes to individuals. But too many professional services firms fall into that very trap by portraying themselves as jack-of-all-trade generalists. They pride their firm on being able to do it all. Unfortunately, in the world of professional services, a wide-open positioning is the same…

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Why Staying Small Means We Think Big for Our Clients

You work hard to understand every aspect of your clients and their businesses, inside and out. You identify any challenges and opportunities before they do. You monitor their industry, their competitors and the political landscape. You talk to your clients in their language. You get them. And they are exceedingly grateful for it. You have cultivated deep and lasting relationships…

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