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How to Avoid the 5 Worst Legal Website Pitfalls

Your law firm’s website is without a doubt your most powerful communications, sales and marketing tool. It is the face of your firm and the first impression you will make on almost all of your prospective clients. In other words, you simply cannot afford for your firm’s website to become a liability with poor design choices and subpar messaging that…

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Challenges Facing Your Financial Services Firm’s Brand Go Deeper Than Design

Most financial services firms think they can reboot their brand with a quick visual refresh or a redesign of their website. If only it were that simple. Properly diagnosing brand issues facing financial services firms demands a rigorous, disciplined and thoughtful strategy around the design process. Your brand is too valuable to take shortcuts when it comes to design. You…

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How a Clear & Compelling ESG Report Supports Your Financial Services Firm’s Future

Until recently, environment, social and governance (ESG) reports were largely seen as feel-good pieces to put a company’s best foot forward. Whether intended to show investors their money was spent responsibly or to cultivate a more favorable image, ESG reports didn’t previously have a ton riding on them. But today, ESG reports are under increased scrutiny from government regulators, investors,…

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