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Want a Stronger Brand? Give Your Clients a Superior User Experience

The importance of putting your customers first isn’t a groundbreaking concept. Yet most professional services firms have websites with a customer experience that falls well short of that ideal. Too many firms have websites that say what they want to say rather than what their customers need to know. Their sites are packed with jargon, difficult to navigate and try…

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Developing Stronger Positioning Sets Your Firm Up for Success

No one person can be all things for all people. Most of us accept this truism when it comes to individuals. But too many professional services firms fall into that very trap by portraying themselves as jack-of-all-trade generalists. They pride their firm on being able to do it all. Unfortunately, in the world of professional services, a wide-open positioning is the same…

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Why Staying Small Means We Think Big for Our Clients

You work hard to understand every aspect of your clients and their businesses, inside and out. You identify any challenges and opportunities before they do. You monitor their industry, their competitors and the political landscape. You talk to your clients in their language. You get them. And they are exceedingly grateful for it. You have cultivated deep and lasting relationships…

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Your Firm Can’t Afford to Skip a Defined, Detailed Discovery Process

Before your firm redesigns its website, tackles a total rebrand, or plans to enter a new market, you must undertake a robust discovery process. Discovery is the most important aspect of any design project. It’s the foundation that informs every decision along the way. Without a thorough discovery process, a project can go over budget, blow past deadlines, fail to…

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Think You Still Own Your Firm’s Brand? Think Again.

If your professional service’s firm’s branding and reputation management feel more like a wrestling match than a friendly conversation, you have a problem. Too often, it goes something like this: You work hard to consistently express your firm’s brand. But in today’s digital-first world, the megaphone is in the hands of your customers. And a quick Google search reveals that…

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