Business Reality Check: Your Firm’s Growth Relies on the Right Positioning Statement

No one person can be all things for all people. Most of us accept this truism when it comes to individuals. But too many professional services firms fall into that very trap by portraying themselves as jack-of-all-trade generalists. They pride their firm on being able to do it all. Unfortunately, in the world of professional services, a wide-open positioning is the same…

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How to Make Your Brand More Customer-Centric

If your professional services brand, communications, and most importantly, website aren’t effectively designed and positioned to attract, engage and inform your customers, your potential customers will look elsewhere. It’s that simple. Building a customer-centric experience is essential to your firm’s future. Start by leveraging the lesson in this white paper. [contentupgrade id=”5202″]

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How to Leverage Your Law Firm’s Website to Distinguish Your Brand and Demonstrate Value

Your law firm’s awards and accolades may be impressive, but to truly have an impact, they need to be used strategically and sparingly — and be supported with examples. Listing every recognition you’ve ever received or posting the logo of every client you represent will fatigue your prospective clients and cheapen your brand. First, you need to be selective about…

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Your 5-Step Guide to Law Firm Positioning

If you want to have any hope of cutting through the clutter in a crowded legal services landscape, your prospects need to know immediately what you do, who you do it for and what makes you different from others offering similar services. That’s where positioning comes into play. And your law firm’s website is where your positioning must be crystal…

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Refresh Your Financial Services Brand to Stay Relevant and Avoid a Complete Overhaul

For financial services companies in a rapidly evolving industry, maintaining brand recognition and brand reputation are critical. The more frequent brand adjustments and refinements you can make, the more you can hold your position in the market without embarking on an expensive rebranding project. To keep your brand operating at its optimal level, you need to be monitoring and refreshing…

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